General information

Catalog no.: 00340040
Credit points: 3
Prerequisites: 00340032—Linear Systems M (strictly enforced)
Grading policy: Laboratory project—30% (provided the grade of the final exam is at least 55)
Final exam—70% (or 100%, if its grade is lower than 55)
Passing policy: Minimum passing grade is 55, only those who pass the project are elibible to take the final exam


  1. Block-diagrams and their manipulations
  2. Modeling, DC motors
  3. Open-loop control, plant inversion
  4. Steady-state and transient performance
  5. Closed-loop control, steady-state errors
  6. Internal stability
  7. Root locus method
  8. Principles of loop shaping
  9. Nyquist stability criterion and stability margins
  10. Basic loop shaping tools
  11. PID controllers and their tuning (Ziegler-Nichols)



Leonid Mirkin 210 D. Dan Kahn Bld., phone: 3149, e-mail: 

Teaching assistants:

Snir Carmeli 722 Zisapel, email: 
Office hours: Tuesday: 9:30–10:30
Rotem Kain 567 Lady Davis, email: 
Office hours: Thursday: 14:30–15:30
Or Steinhart 563 Lady Davis, email: 
Office hours: Monday 17:30–18:30
Gal Barkai (lab) 307 Lady Davis Bld., email: 
Office hours: TBD



Type Instructor Day Time Location
lecture Leonid Mirkin Sunday 10:30–12:20 Dan Kahn 1
tutorial Or Steinhart Monday 15:30–17:20 Lady Davis 433
tutorial Snir Carmeli Wednesday 8:30–10:20 Lady Davis 440
tutorial Snir Carmeli Wednesday 10:30–12:20 Lady Davis 440
tutorial Rotem Kain Thursday 12:30–14:20 Lady Davis 440

Final exams:

Moed Date Time Location
א׳ Feb 24 9:00 430 (extra time), 433, 440, 441, 442
ב׳ Mar 20 TBD TBD


  1. Introduction; block-diagrams and their manipulations (also in beamer mode)
  2. Modeling, DC motors (also in beamer mode)
  3. Open-loop control and plant inversion, internal stability, steady-state and transients (also in beamer mode)
  4. Design for steady-state requirements, step vs modes vs frequency response (also in beamer mode) updated 1.12.2024
  5. More limitations of open-loop control, intro to feedback, internal stability (again) (also in beamer mode)
  6. Stability and feedback, root-locus method (also in beamer mode)
  7. Root-locus insight into high-gain feedback, steady-state performance (also in beamer mode) updated 22.12.2024
  8. Steady-state performance (contd), intro to loop shaping, argument principle (also in beamer mode)
  9. Nyquist stability criterion (also in beamer mode)
  10. Stability margins, dead-time systems (also in beamer mode)
  11. Loop-shaping tools: lead and lag controllers (also in beamer mode)
  12. Industrial controllers, their tuning and architectures; 2DOF controllers (also in beamer mode)


  1. Tutorial and its solutions (plus some extra reference material)
  2. Tutorial and its solutions
  3. Tutorial and its solutions (plus Matlab code for Q2)
  4. Tutorial and its solutions
  5. Tutorial and its solutions
  6. Tutorial and its solutions
  7. Tutorial and its solutions
  8. Tutorial and its solutions
  9. Tutorial and its solutions
  10. Tutorial and its solutions
  11. Tutorial and its solutions
  12. Tutorial and its solutions

Homework assignments

  1. Assignments with solutions
  2. Assignments with solutions
  3. Assignments with solutions
  4. Assignments with solutions
  5. Assignments with solutions
  6. Assignments with solutions


The assignment is in this file, submission deadline: 9.1.2025, 23:59pm.

Project reports (in PDF only, typeset, not scanned handwrites) and the MATLAB files required to reproduce your simulations are to be submitted electronically in a single ZIP file to .


  1. Laboratory manual, also in English
  2. Experiment and data sheets for Motor 1 and Motor 2
